Originally published Mar 20, 2016 - it's a company favorite!
I have a close friend who, although highly qualified and universally liked during the interview process, didn’t get the job she wanted because the employer was looking for a “purple squirrel.” While it may seem odd to be seeking out a festively colored rodent to do important work, there’s actually a real, Wikipedia-certified definition for this. The purple squirrel is the person with exactly the right experience, the ideal knowledge, skills, and abilities to fit an open ready to do everything perfectly from the get-go, with no ramp-up, no guidance, and no training. A unique and special version of a common yard mammal, if you will.
This company had the money and reputation to attract a large candidate pool, and to hunt until that one specific squirrel was caught (and not run over). Most of us don’t have the luxury of playing hide-and-seek with animals of a particular hue, however. When we hire for skilled positions, the “ideals” are often needles in a gigantic haystack that cost a fortune to find, and “buying” them—that is, if we’re not outbid by those with more resources—can break the bank. That doesn’t leave much room for hiring, training, or rewarding others. And, since the purple squirrel gets all of the nuts, the rest of the nest may just get a little bitter.
Sure, it sometimes makes sense to open the wallet, but it’s not always feasible nor even the best approach. If we find we must forego the violet vermin, what can we do? We can (a) Reallocate some things to other jobs so we need more lavender, say, than purple, (b) Outsource some functions so that what’s left requires the more readily available groundhog of standard color, or (c) Hire a green squirrel and develop her over time, sort of "dying her purple" if you like. All of these alternatives have situational positives and negatives. And many organizations will simply default to attempting to hire “smart people” who will “pick it up.”
Let's look in a little more depth here at Option "C,“ or "hiring down.” It can be very effective. It expands the candidate pool, yields cheaper resources, and allows us to “grow” individuals in alignment with our culture and way of doing business. These are good things, but there are also risks. What if an individual never develops into what we need? What if our business needs can’t wait for our forest ferret to become full-blown rodent royalty? Our strategies depend on our people. Even with the best intentions, we can seriously limit short-term capacity and diminish long-term returns if we settle on someone “less.”
The key to coloring the green (or really, any shade of) squirrel purple is that we can’t just "settle" and hope for the best. We can’t just start the hiring process hoping to get the perfect person on the cheap and taking the “best of the rest” when it’s clear that’s not possible. Hiring down needs to be a conscious decision. There needs to be a clear purpose, the conditions have to be right, and there has to be a feasible plan. Otherwise, we’re effectively betting our futures on finding a "diamond in the rough" without knowing what to look for, and without the ability to polish it up. Therefore, it’s critical to think through the:
It’s not just one factor that always tips the scales, but hiring can’t just be about saying "I have to settle for who I can find, and they’ll have to learn." If you don’t think it through and you don’t have a plan you may be better off not hiring at all. Picking someone whose primary skill is "seeming competent" is like trying to stuff a square squirrel in a round den. Unless you're lucky, it won’t help you execute your strategy and get the results you need. It’s also not fair to the person you’re hiring or the other people in your organization that will work with him. So "go green," but make sure you've got the right color paint on hand.
Color Your Squirrel
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