Aisling Iris House
17114 Greenwood Drive, 1st Floor
Round Hill, Virginia  20141

 Tel.: 1 (540) 329-8380
Snowflake LLC's text-based logo
Icon of a colorful rocket taking off


Snowflake LLC's text-based logo
Certified B Corporation® Consultancy
Work With Us ›› Collaboration
WE ARE A BUSINESS CONSULTANCY, NOT THE COMPUTER COMPANY. If you're into technology, click here instead.
Solutions for                 Non-profits  ›                 Governments  ›                 Businesses  ›  
Work With Us ›› Collaboration
Work With Us ›› Internships
 We work with other consultancies and
individual professionals to advance our mission

If you're a company, consulting practitioner, industry professional, or academic interested in helping "transform organizations to 
transform lives," we'd like to hear from you. 

We'll work with anyone whose work is dedicated to the common good. Collaboration opportunities range from teaming on projects to researching, writing, and publishing innovative thought.

Business development
Prime or subcontracting 
1099 independent consultants
Research and thought leadership
Publishing and co-presenting 

We are a Certified B Corporation® seeking to transform

lives, strengthen families, and build communities.

Our professionals use their expertise in strategy, organizational cost-effectiveness, talent management, and marketing to help the exceptional non-profits, government agencies, and businesses working every day to make life better for their neighbors, constituents, and customers. If you share the same passion for using your talents to help others, read on to find out how you can help us advance our social mission ...

We work with other consultancies and

individual professionals to advance our mission

If you're a company, consulting practitioner, industry

professional, or academic interested in helping "transform

organizations to transform lives," we'd like to hear from you.

We'll work with anyone whose work is dedicated to the

common good. Collaboration opportunities range from teaming

on projects to researching, writing, and publishing innovative thought.

  • We'll jointly participate in business development endeavors
  • We're willing to be prime or subcontractors to win and deliver work
  • We often use 1099 independent consultants to support projects
  • We can also provide 1099s for other firms' consulting projects
  • We're also engaging in thought leadership with a variety of partners
  • And, we'll publish and co-present great ideas that facilitate change
Two men in an office look at a computer while two women discuss the contents on a whiteboard.
A man listens to headphones while working on his computer in a library.
A middle-aged man points to a presentation while instructing a group of three interns.
To make a difference, identifying, reaching, and giving social purpose organizations valuable guidance and support is essential. As an undergraduate or graduate intern with Snowflake Consulting, you'll have the opportunity to gain experience and build your skills by helping us increase visibility in our markets and deliver on our promise.  Depending on your specific skills and interests, you may contribute by, for example: 
         › Identifying, vetting, and reaching out to prospective clients
         › Developing messaging and collateral to communicate our story and services
         › Engaging with our markets through both "traditional" and "new" media 
         › Creating articles, blog posts, presentations, etc. to help share our knowledge
         › Supporting proposals, internal initiatives, and client projects

    Snowflake is a largely virtual company, though we do have physical space in Winchester, Virginia. That means most of your work can be done remotely, but you'll also have a home! Our interns work with our team members, and often interact directly with prospects and clients. When you enter our internship program, you'll become an integral part of our company and a key contributor toward achieving our goals.  

    Benefits to Being a Snowflake Intern

         ›  Contribute to the well-being of individuals, families, and communities
         ›  Earn credit towards your school's internship requirements 
         ›  Use your knowledge, gain real experience, and build your skills
         ›  Work in a flexible, high-energy environment with dedicated people
         ›  Build a relationship with us (no guarantees, but we try to hold on to our best)

    Snowflake is an equal opportunity employer.  
    We endeavor to compensate our interns with a fair stipend.

    Let's work together

    Interested in Collaboration?

    Thank you for your interest in working with us! When we combine our knowledge, expertise, and experiences, we can be a powerful force promoting socio-economic well-being. Please complete the form below to tell us you're interested and you can contribute supplementary or complementary expertise to support our efforts - or if we have what you need to help enhance your efforts. 

    Let's work together

    Interested in Collaboration?

    Thank you for your interest in working with us! When we combine our knowledge, expertise, and experiences, we're a powerful force promoting socio-economic well-being. Please complete the form below to tell us you're interested and you can contribute supplementary or complementary expertise to support our efforts - or if we have what you need to help enhance your efforts. We look forward to exploring opportunities!

    Apply for an Internship

    As of now, we are specifically seeking Marketing and Consulting Interns. If you're an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Marketing, Business, Non-profit Management, or something similar, use the form below to submit an internship application. If you are a qualified candidate, a representative from Snowflake Consulting will be in touch with you shortly. Thank you for your interest in our company!

    Contact Us

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