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Integrating Communications to Transform Local Government

Snowflake Consulting • September 13, 2023

Local Government Communications Series - Introduction

We just came back from a great week (minus the flights) in Orlando, Florida, where we were a sponsor and exhibitor at the 2023 City-County Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA) 2023 Annual Conference. Snowflake is, of course, a services firm. At this event, we were among myriad of website, data, and other product-oriented vendors with super-fun demos that we sadly lack, so our message was a bit unique. We’re consultants who empower local governments to deliver better and transform lives and communities, not by software, but from a strategic standpoint. 


In alignment with our mission and expertise, we went to show our market research, segmentation, personalization, and analytics capabilities, but as the conference went on, our “macro-message” to this group of communications professionals evolved. We said, “You’re essential to your organizations’ ability to consistently provide responsive, high-quality, accessible services, in any conditions.” It was clear from talking to people that this idea resonated with them, and that they’re typically not seen or used that way by their peers. With our capabilities, we can help change this situation!


On the conference's first night, we thought about the very basic things communications organizations do for local governments. For example, they: (1) Convey information, e.g., telling the community about services, issues, happenings, and changes, and providing guidance as situations warrant, and (2) Foster public engagement, e.g., encouraging participation by advertising government meetings and other opportunities for input, marketing services so constituents will take advantage of them, and actively soliciting feedback to help improve the “customer experience.” 

Seems pretty straightforward, right? Communications organizations… communicate! But work is usually done for good reasons, and it makes an impact. So what are the results of effectively informing and engaging the public? Well, constituent awareness and involvement increases, most definitely. When local government executives and communications leaders take a broader view of value proposition, however, and when communications staff are empowered, resourced, equipped, and fully integrated across departments and agencies and their capabilities are actually used, they can contribute so much more. 

Basically, we’re talking about local government cost-effectiveness here. It's true... governments' communications organizations can help them make relevant, timely, first-rate public services available to, accessible to, and used by constituents who will benefit from them. And in doing so, they can aslo help reduce “whole of government” costs, which of course has many benefits—not least of which is the ability to provide more and/or better services (not just the “bare bones”), even with limited resources, and sustain them during those inevitable times when budgets are more constrained.

This thought certainly drew interest from conference attendees. Hopefully, it captures yours too and, even better, you find it affirming as a communications professional (and if you’re a local government executive, just pay attention—this is important)! Now, we do have to give a quick reality check here, though. We said the vision for communications has to “evolve,” and governments need to invest, respect, and understand how to integrate and leverage the capabilities their communications organizations bring. This will only happen if communications teams can consistently demonstrate their value.

Don’t worry if this sounds intimidating or even impossible. It's not, and that’s why we’re here! In upcoming weekly blog posts, we’ll walk through several things to guide you on your path to realizing the potential of communications in local government, including:


  • How governments tend to view communications, and why it’s misguided

  • What communications organizations should be doing to support governments

  • How an effective communications function helps make local government better:

  • Informing priorities, strategies, and budgeting
  • Increasing total cost-effectiveness and sustainability
  • Expanding awareness by reaching key constituents
  • Removing “action barriers” and influencing behaviors
  • Enhancing quality of and access to public services

  • Why "specialize and integrate" is the best approach to communications

  • What being a “mission partner” looks like, and why this model is essential

  • How to build the workforce communications organizations need to deliver


We’ll close our weekly posts with a summary and some suggestions on how to make (and get the outcomes shown in) the “business case” for local governments investing in communications. By the end of the series, we hope many of you will be able to change executive mindsets, further develop your organizations’ capabilities and people and, ultimately, contribute even more to the effectiveness of your government. Of course, Snowflake will work with you in any way you need in your efforts to accomplish this. We’d also love for you to tell us your stories as you make this journey.

We have a few humble requests for our readers. Please:

  • Liberally share this post with your colleagues and peers, your administrators, department directors, etc. (see links up top)

  • Give us your feedback and come back next week for our next installment, in which we'll discuss perspectives on communications

  • If you have questions or just can’t wait to get through this series, contact us by clicking on the button below
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