Aisling Iris House
17114 Greenwood Drive, 1st Floor
Round Hill, Virginia  20141

 Tel.: 1 (540) 329-8380
Snowflake LLC's text-based logo

 Certified B Corporation® Consultancy 

Icon of a colorful rocket taking off


Snowflake LLC's text-based logo
Certified B Corporation® Consultancy

US Department of Energy

Success of Major Capital Projects

The Department's Certified Federal Proect Directors (FPDs) lead critical capital initiatives, such as keeping up the nuclear weapons stockpile, reducing radioactive and hazardous waste, conducting scientific research, etc. We helped define FPD critical success factors (CSFs) and core competencies, and aligned training and certification standards with required skills. Our work has helped assure FPDs successfully deliver major capital projects - including many high-profile, complex, multi-billion dollar efforts - on time and on budget.

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